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Dr. habil. Mátrai Zoltán, PhD,FEBS

Előadások nemzetközi és hazai konferenciákon, egyéb tudományos tevékenységek


8th International Breast Symposium Düsseldorf (ISBD)

Előadások: "How I handle macromastia and ptosis", "IMMEDIATE BREAST RECONSTRUCTION - My personal approach"



Szent Agáta mammológus nap, Budapest (2019.02.02)

Az emlőrák sebészi kezelésének változásai az elmúlt 25 évben és az ehhez illeszkedő klinikai gyakorlatba


MST Onkológiai szekció (2019.05.24)

Új onkoplasztikus emlősebészeti technikák és eredményeik


CEEBCSC Kongresszus, Budapest (2019.06.12-14.)

  • Modified oncoplastic technique of therapeutic mammoplasty

(including OPS technique with skin island transposition for tumors located direct under the skin and in problematic breast quadrants, resection of large tumors, "biquadrentectomies", trics and tips)

  • The retroglandular oncoplastic technique as a standard Level I oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (trics and tips)

  • About the Central–Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium (Central and Eastern European breast cancer epidemiological data, aims of the CEEBCSC, structure of the organization, future perspectives)


Szentpétervár „White Nights” Onkológus Fórum: 2019.06.21.

OPBC Konferncia Svájc 2019.09.12.


MOT kongresszus Budapest: 2019.11.28-29



Habilitáció: Szeged, 2018. szeptember 19.

A maximálisan tolerálhatótól a minimális hatékonykezelésig. Az emlőrák sebészet új onkoplasztikus korszaka.


Szent Agáta mammológus nap (2018.02.03)

A B3 elváltozások korszerű sebészete, a vákum –Core biopsziától a ROLL excisioig és az irányított microdochectomiáig.


„White Nights” Onkológus Fórum, Szentpétervár, Oroszország (2018.07.06.)


ESSO Advanced Couse on Oncoplastyc Beast Sugrery 14-16 june 2018   Budapest

Practical session with models: Lateral mammoplasty and V-mammoplasty; Inferior pedicle mammoplasty


III Konferencja Rak Piersi – Onkologia Plastyka, Poznan, Lengyelország (2018.09.21-22)

Evaluation of the retroglandular oncoplastic technique as a standard Level I oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery. A retrospective clinico-pathological study of 102 breast cancer patients.


38th ESSO Congress, Budapest (2018.10.10-12)

Inaugural Session: Central-Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium


Egyéb kongresszusi részvétel:

  • 11th European Breast Cancer Conference – Barcelona (2018. 03. 21-23)

  • Wolverhampton Breast Conference on Innovations and advances in Breast Surgery (IABS) – Wolverhampton (2018. 04. 23)

  • MBN 2018_Aesthetic Breast Meeting and master class – Milánó (2018.12.12-15)



Debreceni Emlőszimpózium (2017.11.10.) - Az emlőszűrés hosszú távú onkológiai eredményei. Miért maradnak otthon a betegek?


XXXII. MOT Kongresszus (2017. 11. 16.)


Korkontroll Társaság (2017. 11. 17.) - Az emlősebészet XXI. Századi kihívásai


2nd Conference of Breast Cancer Oncology and plastic surgery, Poznan (2017.09.22) - meghívott előadó


ESSO Advanced Course on Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Barcelona (2017.06.15.)

Implant based reconstruction


Kékgolyó napok OOI (2017.05.26)

Korszerű, specializált onkológiai-sebészeti ellátás a magyar komprehenzív rákcentrumban. Öt éves az Országos Onkológiai Intézet Daganatsebészeti Központja


Magyar Szenológiai Társaság Tudományos Fóruma (2017.04.21.)


Magyar Sebészeti Társaság kongresszusa, Szeged (2017.március 23.)

Emlő onkoplasztika


Belgyógyászati szakvizsga előkészítő tanfolyam Semmelweis Egyetem, III. Sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika (2017. január 11. és 2017. január 13-30)

Daganatsebészet alapelvei, a sebészi rekonstrukció és onkológiai rehabilitáció lehetőségei




XXII. Szent Agáta mammologus nap

Az emlőrák korszerű európai ellátó rendszere, a hazai helyzet, tények, célok, jelen és jövő

Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (2016. november 11.)

Az emlőrák korszerű sebészi ellátásának regionális adottságai hazánkban.: 


Johnsson&Johnsson MENTOR - Oncoplastic and postmastectomy breast reconstruction workshop

2016. április 28-29., 2016. május 26-27., 2016. október 13-14.


OPS: Inverse T incision and inferior pedicle technique :(inclusive OPS technique with skin island transposition for tumors located direct under the skin and in problematic breast quadrants, resection of large tumors, "biquadrentectomies", trics and tips)


OPS: Regnault B technique for upper-outer quadrant tumors

What is new in breast oncology and breast cancer surgery? (molecular subtypes, multidisciplinary decision making and complex care planning, patient's choice, surgical margins, sentinel lymph node positivity without axillary lymphnode dissection, postmastectomy breast irradiation, timing of SLNB and immediate breast reconstruction, neoadjuvant systemic therapies, tissue expanders and whole breast irradiation, the era of oncoplastic thinking, special aspects of breast cancer in young and in old patients)


Evaluation of Patient Knowledge, Desire, and Psychosocial Background regarding Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction in Hungary: A Questionnaire Study of 500 Cases. (Representing the possible Eastern –European situation in the field of postmatectomy breast reconstruction)


Skin-sparing, areola-sparing and nipple-sparing mastectomy techniques (the lege artis surgical techniques, questions, facts, results, risks, incl. breast volumes, shapes, quality of skin, timing, type of reconstruction method and the optimal technique)


Endoscopically assisted LD muscle flap for soft tissue reconstruction after skin-, areola- or nipple-sparing mastectomy (surgical technique performed through a single axillary 7-9 cm skin incision)


Immediate breast reconstruction with silicone breast implant and Ultrapro mesh(alternative surgical technique to the expensive ADM, results, trics and tips)


Special aspects of the breast surgical care of Hereditary Breast–Ovarian Cancer Syndromes (HBOC) pateints (evidence based care of BRCA mutation holders, therapy and/or profilaxis)


Special aspects of breast cancer surgery of patients after former aesthetic breast surgery (breast conserving surgery and mastectomy techniques with breast reconstruction after mastopexy and/or breast augmentation)


36thCongress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology, Krakkó (2016. szeptember 14-16.)

1. Meghívott előadó: ”Minimal standards of care in Hungary". 
2. Üléselnök: Proffered Paper Session on Breast Cancer II. 
3. Üléselnök: Video Session  


Interdisciplinary Breast Oncology and Oncoplastic Surgery Masterclass Prága (2016. április 21-22.)

Meghívott előadó




32nd European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) Congress

Előadás: "Evaluation of patients' knowledge, desire and the psychosocial background in the decision making of postmastectomy breast reconstruction in Hungary – A questionnaire study of 500 cases"

BREAST AND FACE Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposia, Budapest

Előadások: ’Breast cancer coordinated care at the Breast Unit of National Institute of Oncology’; ’Interpretation of data collected from pre and postmastectomy patients awaiting reconstruction. Patient selection, information and consent form’


EBCC8 The 8th European Breast Cancer Conference in Vienna, Austria

Poster section: Z.Mátrai, L.Toth, G.Gulyas, I.Kenessey, A.Savolt, A.Tinusz, M.Ujhelyi, M.Kasler. Evaluation of patients’ knowledge, desire and the psychosocial background in the decision making of postmastectomy breast reconstruction in Hungary. A questionnaire study of 500 cases.; A.Savolt, G.Peley, L.Toth, Z.Mátrai, C.Polgar, Z.Horvath, E.Szabo, K.Borbely. FDG-PET/CT Follow-up of patients with sentinel node-positive breast cancer after axillary nodal irradiation without completion axillary dissection.       


Multidisciplinary Oncotherapy of Solid Tumours and Lymphomas, European Society for Medical Oncology Course, Budapest, Hungary

Oral presentation: Multidisciplinary Oncotherapy of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours.

ECCO 16 – 36th ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress in Stockholm, Sweden

Poster section: Z. Mátrai, L. Tóth, Z. Szentirmay, F. Rényi Vámos, W. Klepetko, P. Vadász, I. Kenessey, M. Kásler. Sporadical desmoid tumors of the chest. Long term follow-up of twenty-eight multimodally treated patients. doi:10.1016/j.ejcts.2011.02.014

The 4th Conference of PhD Students and the First Conference of Postdoctoral Researchers in Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania

Oral presentation: High-frequency estrogen receptor beta expression in sporadic aggressive fibromatosis. Immunohistochemical analysis of 57 cases.


International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium, Tokyo, Japan

Oral presentation: „The importance of volume measurement in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery”.; Poster section: P25-18 Microstructural fat transfer in oncoplastic surgery. Factors influencing the ADSC quantity and quality in the

lipoaspirate. P25-20 Desmoid tumor associated with a ruptured silicone breast implant. A case report.

4th Scientific Meeting of the Japan-Hungarian Surgical Society, Yokohama, Japan

„Sporadical desmoid tumors of the chest. Long term follow-up of twenty-eight multimodally treated patients”.; „Surgical management of primary retroperitoneal sarcomas”. „18F-FDG PET/CT follow-up of patients with sentinel lymph node positive breast cancer after axillary nodal irradiation without completion axillary lymph node dissection”.

Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Vienna, Austria

Section: Oncology Clinical Science: Breast; Poster presentation: A. Savolt, G. Peley, L. Toth, Z. Mátrai, F. Renyi-Vamos, C. Polgar, Z. Horvath, E. Szabo, K. Borbely: Preliminary Results of 18F-FDG PET/CT Follow-up of Patients with Sentinel Node-Positive Breast Cancer after Axillary Nodal Irradiation without Completion Axillary Dissection 



Congress of the Hungarian Section of the IASGO International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Eger, Hungary

„Colo-rectalis daganatok máj áttéteinek RFTA kezelése.”


The 4th Congress of the World Society for Breast Health, Tianjin, China

„The role of surgical resection and radiofrequency tumor ablation in the management of isolated liver metastases from breast cancer.”

ECCO 14 The European Cancer Conference, Barcelona, Spain

„Clinical follow-up of desmoid tumors and the impact of APC gene mutations.”

3th East-West Colorectal Days together with Italian Society of Coloproctology, Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology, Mediterranean Society of Pelvic Floor Disorders, Hajdúszoboszló

„Clinico-pathological follow up of desmoid tumor patients and the impact of APC gene mutations.”


2nd Scientific Meeting of the Japan-Hungarian Surgical Society, Tokio, Japan

„Histologic response of the primary tumor after neoadjuvant therapy in 57 patients with mid or lower third adenocarcinoma of the rectum.”

19th Meeting of Europan Association for Cancer Research EACR, Budapest, Hungary

Clinical follow-up of desmoid tumors and the impact of APC gene mutations.


European Breast Cancer Conference, Hamburg, Germany

„Radioguided excision of nonpalpable breast cancer with simultaneous sentinel lymph node biopsy”



2nd Congress of the Wolrd Society of Breast Health, Budapest, Hungary

„Radioguided excision of nonpalpable breast lesions with simultaneous sentinel lymph node biopsy.”

The 103rd Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society, Sapporo, Japan

„Radioguided excision of nonpalpable breast lesions with simultaneous sentinel lymph node biopsy.”

Östereichischer Chirurgen Kongress, Bregenz, Austria

„Eine neue Methode der chirurgischen Behandlung von Lebermetastasen: Radiofrequenz induzierte Tumorablation”


2nd Congress of the World Society of Breast Health, Budapest, Hungary

„Radioguided excision of nonpalpable breast cancer with simultaneous sentinel lymph node biopsy”


Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery, Budapest, Hungary

„Extra adrenal paraganglioma of the retroperitoneum”

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